Memorial Day Concert 2011

Regina Coeli K.V. 108

The right channel has the "voice" of interest -- S, A, T or B. All the other voice part plus soli and accompaniment are in the left channel. The volume of voice of interest is usually very prominent. You can play these files directly on your computer. Or you can save them to play on your computer using iTunes or something similar. You might try burning them to a CD. Just know that while modern CD players can play mp3 files, many older ones cannot. If you really want a CD, let me know, and I'll burn you one with high resolution audio files (WAV).

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Hope this works for you. Question, comments -- direct to Jim Mays -- 518-8433,

  Regina Coeli K.V. 108 Mozart mp3
1. allegro  a. prelude piano
b. chorus soprano
2. Tempo moderato a. prelude piano & solo
b. chorus soprano
c. solo solo
d. chorus soprano
3. Adagio un poco andante solo solo
4. allegro a. prelude piano
b. chorus soprano

These mp3 files were made using several different music software products. The scores were scanned into Adobe Acrobat, converted to TIFF files, then OCR'd (optical character recognition) using SharpEye2 from Visiv Technologies. Those raw music files were exported from SharpEye using MusicXML into Finale where most of the final editing was performed. Those scores were exported (again using MusicXML) into Harmony Assistant (from Myriad Software in Toulouse France).

Myriad has this neat computer-singing algorithm which isn't half bad. Some people object to computers singing. It could be worse. I could spend more time making fixing the pronunciation and sometimes weird nasal sounds. I have taken out vibrato and, as much as possible, made the voices "pitch perfect" which may sound strange since most singers, including professionals, often are anything but.